Double decks Tobacco

Last Update 14-04-2017

If there is a 'B' on the right of the picture, that means the box is different as the picture inside the box.
Blend 2000  Casablanca  Fortuna  Golden Fiction  Golden American
Blend 01  Casablanca 01 Fortuna 01 G. Fiction 01 G. American 01
KENT  Liggett-Ducat  B Marlboro  B Merit 
KENT 01 Liggett-Ducat 01 Marlboro 01 Merit 01
MemphiS Newport Player B
MemphiS 01 Newport 01 Player 01 Player 02
Piccadilly Raffles   Rothmans Summer Edition B West B
Piccadilly 01 Raffles  02 Rothmans 01 Summer Edition 01 West 01
Colt Agio Erntekrone B Engelhardt
Colt 01 Agio 01 Erntekrone 01 Engelhardt 01
Missing the jokers!
Gletscher Prise Samson Troost 
Gletscher Prise 01 Samson 01 Samson 02 Troost 03


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